Saturday, December 03, 2005


What is this strange thing I have discovered. Ah...a relic from the past. My past to be specific. There are two reasons I do not keep a journal (blog): first, I always worry that someone may find it and so I am not entirely honest (this is especially a problem with a blog which is supposed to be read), second, I have a horrible habit of getting out of the practice of updating it with any particular regularity. Now I have to say I was doing pretty damn well, from July 24 until September 30, probably the longest I have ever mainted a continuous journal/blog/anything (besides relationship). For one reason or another I simply no longer am interested in anything to do with it. In any case I occasionally have tried to resurrect old journals so perhaps I shall try the same thing with my somewhat deceased blog. A Christmas present to everyone who reads it, all three or so of you. It'll also be a Christmas present for myself I suppose, something to do in the weehours of the morning when I should be fast asleep but for reasons of overactive thought processes am not. Not much to talk about just wanted to see how many responses the return would generate. I will be posting my Christmas Wish List and address soon so that all of you can buy me what I want for Christmas and then ship it to the proper place. So I say goodnight to all of you avid readers who have finally been updated. By the way, I just haven't really needed an Asylum to get away to recently because nothing of worth has been occuring. I look forward to boring all of you soon with what isn't happening in my life.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Yay for updates! One of my friends blogs was 'found' not to long ago and he had to fess up to some things he said about classmates. It always sucks when stuff like that happens, but ::shrug::

You can always post about other stuff...

My pass word today was... pooualty how funny, I think it should be a word